Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Slow Down and Laugh

I have been crazy busy this week with birthday parties, school, and work so this will be just a short little post to help give you a little laugh.

The most heart warming sound a mother can hear is the sound of her child(ren) laughing. Even on the most stressful and busy days, the laughing can immediatly lighten her mood.

 I know that I need to slow down and just enjoy the little things sometimes and playing and laughing with my children helps me to do that. 

Enjoy this clip of these quads laughing at their father and remember to slow down, breathe, and smile!


Video credit: David Lemon

Thursday, September 25, 2014

How old are you again?!

The parenting guides and books tell parents to avoid baby talk and to teach children to have good problem resolution and negotiation skills so that they can properly handle conflict on their own. I  followed these tips with my own children and agree that it is important to instill these qualities in children. But is it always a good thing?

This week, while making my 5th cup of coffee, I was engaged in a heated discussion with my 5 year old about why she was not allowed to drink coffee. As she was explaining her point, I started to think to myself, "How is this child, that I gave birth to 5 years ago, speaking to me like she is an adult?". 

The discussion lasted almost an hour and during this time period she 1. used the word apparently correctly in a sentence 2. made a list of 7 reasons why she should be able to drink coffee and 3. was so invested in her argument that she made a conclusion highlighting her points at the end of her speech.

I was so shocked that she made such a good argument on her behalf that I gave in and allowed her to have "coffee". (mostly cream with just a little bit of coffee) She was very proud of herself but all I could do is think that I have created a monster or at least the next greatest defense attorney.

What do you think the downfall of teaching children how to argue in an intelligent manner at such a young age would be? Are we just raising miniature adults? What experiences have you had on this topic?

Now here is a video of my favorite little "attorney"....
 Video Credit: thebigtinonetwork

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Importance of a Mommy Time-out

As a mother of four beautiful, intelligent, and spirited little girls, there are many times that it is not the children in need of a time-out but it is me. Motherhood, as all moms know, is the most exhausting and rewarding job on the planet.

I created this blog as a way to connect with other mothers and to share my perspectives, humor, and questions plus gain the same from others. I will always try to end a post with a little upbeat or funny video, picture, or quote just to help lighten the mood of any mother reading the blog.

I enjoy and encourage comments, stories, and feedback from anyone moved to do so and will try to do the same for others. Connecting with mothers and sharing in the joys, horrors, and craziness that this role entails makes getting through the rough times a little easier.

The stories that I post are just experiences I have had with my own little girls or stories of mothers that are close to me and have a impact on my parenting. Please feel free to offer your own experiences and ideas on the subject at hand but remember to be respectful of other people's views and thoughts. 

I am a working mother and student so I will be writing about motherhood from that perspective and would love to hear from the perspective of stay at home mothers or any other combination that is out there (even stay at home dads!).

I hope you enjoy my blog and hope to hear from you soon. Until then, here is my first little closing tidbit! 
Image Credit: thefunnyplanet